Core classes developed in ^PHP8.1 to be used to develop APIs, Scripts, Web Pages
Core7 class is included in your APIs as $this->core and it includes objects of other classes to facilitate your developments.
- $this->core = new Core7();
- $this->core->__p = new CorePerformance();
- $this->core->is = new CoreIs();
- $this->core->system = new CoreSystem($root_path);
- $this->core->logs = new CoreLog();
- $this->core->errors = new CoreLog();
- $this->core->config = new CoreConfig($this, DIR . '/config.json');
- $this->core->session = new CoreSession($this);
- $this->core->security = new CoreSecurity($this);
- $this->core->cache = new CoreCache($this);
- $this->core->request = new CoreRequest($this);
- $this->core->user = new CoreUser($this);
- $this->core->localization = new CoreLocalization($this);
- $this->core->model = new CoreModel($this);
- $this->core->cfiLog = new CFILog($this);
Table of Contents
- Core7
- $this->core Core7 class is included in your APIs as $this->core and it includes objects of other classes to facilitate your development:
- CorePerformance
- $this->core->__p Class to track performance
- CoreIs
- $this->core->is Class to answer is? questions.
- CoreSystem
- $this->core->system Class to interacto with with the System variables
- CoreLog
- $this->core->logs, $this->core->errors Class to manage Logs & Errors $logger->info('This will show up as log level INFO'); $logger->warning('This will show up as log level WARNING'); $logger->error('This will show up as log level ERROR');
- CoreConfig
- $this->core->config Class to manage CloudFramework configuration.
- CoreSession
- $this->core->session Class to manage session
- CoreSecurity
- $this->core->security Class to manage the security access and dynamic getenv variables
- CoreCache
- $this->core->cache Class to manage Cache in your solutions.
- CoreCacheFile
- Class to implement cache over local files
- CoreCacheDataStore
- Class to manage Cache in DataStore
- CoreRequest
- $this->core->request Object is used to handle http requests
- CoreUser
- $this->core->user Class to manage User information
- CoreLocalization
- $this->core->localization Class to manage localizations
- CoreModel
- $this->core->model Class to manage Data Models
- CFILog
- $this->core->cfiLog Class to Manage Datastore Logs and Bitacora Entries
- CoreLogic2020
- Class to be extended for the creation of a logic application.
- Scripts2020
- Class to be extended for the creation of a scripts
- __warning_handler_datastore() : mixed
- _print() : mixed
- Print a group of mixed vars passed as arguments. Example _print($object,$array,$class,...)
- _printe() : mixed
- _print() with an exit
__warning_handler_datastore() : mixed
Print a group of mixed vars passed as arguments. Example _print($object,$array,$class,...)
_print() : mixed
_print() with an exit
_printe() : mixed